Week 1 Day 5 - Project 1 Presentation and More

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The day started half an hour late, at 10:00 AM instead of 9:30 AM. Due to morning presentations, every group of 4 that was involved in the very first Metis Project was huddled somewhere practicing their presentations. My group did, as well.

All presentations without exception tackled the first Project at Metis codenamed “Benson” from different angles, and it was nice to see various solutions that the teams came up with. Presentations lasted till about lunch time. I will post our group’s project at some point, too.

Our afternoon started with a pair problem that dealt with the basics of HTML. The basics seem to be directly related to our next Project codenamed “Luther” as it will deal with scraping content off of web sites. There is a good Python package for such task called “Beautiful Soup” and we will be using that to obtain data for the project. From this point onward, all our projects will be individual based which is a bitter sweet news since our team grew close over this last week.

The last theoretical portion of the day dealt with understanding how Python copies data from one variable to another - sometimes it is a true copy, while at other times it is just a reference to the same object.

At this point we could either go home to start the 4th of July holiday weekend or stay and keep working on challenges due next Wednesday. Since this is the only time till then to ask instructors for help, I decided to stay and work.

Stay tuned for more details on my projects. I promise I’ll post them when I get the chance!

Written on June 30, 2017